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Category: Toán Tiếng Anh

Street-Fighting Mathematics (The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving)

Street-Fighting Mathematics (The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving). An antidote to mathematical rigor mortis, teaching how to guess answers without needing a proof or an exact calculation. Download ToanKho:

What is Mathematics (An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods)

For more than two thousand years a familiarity with mathematics has been regarded as an indispensable part of the intellectual equipment of every cultured person. Today, unfortunately, the traditional place of mathematics in education is in grave danger. The teaching Read more…

The Groups as Graphs

For the first time, every finite group is represented in the form of a graph in this book. This study is significant because properties of groups can be immediately obtained by looking at the graphs of the groups. Download ToanKho: Read more…

Ants, Bikes, and Clocks (Problem Solving For Undergraduates)

Mathematics educators agree that problem solving is one of the essential skills their students should possess, yet few mathematics courses or textbooks are devoted entirely to developing this skill. Supported by narrative, examples, and exercises, Ants, Bikes, and Clocks: Problem Read more…

Mathematical miniatures

Rather than simply a collection of problems, this book can be thought of as both a tool chest of mathematical techniques and an anthology of mathematical verse. The authors have grouped problems so as to illustrate and highlight a number Read more…

A Problem Book in Algebra

The matter is presented in a manner which is well within capacity of undergraduate students to understand. The book is divided into ten chapters, each containing brief explanations of concepts and formulae relevant for the problem set that follows. Moreover, Read more…

Romanian Mathematical Competitions 2007

Romanian Mathematical Competitions 2007 Download ToanKho:

Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers

Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, by Verner E. Hoggatt.This classic book on Fibonacci Numbers hasn’t lost its charm, even after fifty years. (Written in 1967, published in 1969.) A readable and enjoyable book on mathematics for high school students and adults. Read more…

Elementary Number Theory with Applications

This second edition updates the well-regarded 2001 publication with new short sections on topics like Catalan numbers and their relationship to Pascal’s triangle and Mersenne numbers, Pollard rho factorization method, Hoggatt-Hensell identity. Koshy has added a new chapter on continued Read more…

USA and International Mathematical Olympiads 2004

The Mathematical Olympiad examinations, covering the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) and the International Mathematical Olypiad (IMO), have been published annually since 1976. The IMO is the world mathematics championship for high school students. It takes place every year in a Read more…